Medical reinforced waist Support
Medical reinforced waist Support

A. Performance:

1) design of 3 special pressure bands on the ventral side toincrease abdominal pressure effectively.

2) the back is equipped with 6 detachable high strength aluminumalloy bars to maximize the support effect.

3) Two soft braces are assembled on the ventral side to enhancethe support strength of the ventral side without hindering the forward bendingof the trunk.


4) the aluminum alloy support can be molded according to thecurve of the back trunk so that the product can be more


5) lightweight, breathable and easy to wear.

5) there are 5 models for different body types.

B. Indications:

1) external fixation for lumbosacral spondylopathy and softtissue injury during conservative treatment.

2) external fixation for postoperative recovery of lumbosacralspondylopathy and soft tissue injuries

3) sports protection for chronic soft tissue diseases and osteoarthrosisof lumbosacral vertebra